
Consumer Goods

(264 public reviews)
Rating of  7.9  from 0 - 10

Service was good the product is good and I wiil see how it performs

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5 out of 6 windows have been damaged and needed to be replaced. Surely you need to change this process and/or the delivery company.

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The flashing received were all bent and damaged. I emailed attaching pictures of the many areas bent and damaged but have received no response.

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Selected specific delivery date, blind arrived on different day, luckily someone was in, then window and flashing was attempted to deliver early when no one in,. Why have the option to choose a specific date if couriers ignore it?

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Wrong flashing kits delivered

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Had a problem with the flashings - I thought these had been included as they were selected on the website but apparently there is another box to tick to order them. Customer Service were great when I called and shipped the units by return but the clarity of the website could be much improved.

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I wish you could have collected the old Window :)

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