CustomerGauge Reviews


(402 public reviews)
Rating of  8.8  from 0 - 10

Love Customer Gauge - have helped us improve our CX approach/process

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Customer Gauge is an amazing partner. I cannot stress enough how great it is to work with you folks. Monte Kozmits is the bees knees and we very much appreciate him!

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I still think that the academy could do with a bit of improvement for usability. But once you understand the platform it is easier to navigate.

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I would like to thank our CSM Monte Kozmits and the larger CG team, as we\'ve continued to evolve our program: attributing revenue and improving the engagement in our survey response and with our team the feedback and recommendations from Monte and team have been critical in our success

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Great product, great people! Keep doing what you are doing. Monte rocks!

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Gostaria de um pouco mais de atenção com melhorias apontadas.

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CustomerGauge chegou de maneira discreta e vem transformando a empresa. É de extrema relevância tratarmos as melhorias de processo como estratégia organizacional. Não é sobre atingir um número, é sobre olhar para dentro e dar o nosso melhor por nossos clientes/consumidores. Um NPS alto é consequência das nossas ações diárias e relacionamento com os stakeholders.

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