CustomerGauge Reviews


(402 public reviews)
Rating of  8.8  from 0 - 10

Easy to use, hopefully to see more functionalities and flexibility in the survey builder.

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keep doing what you are doing! I HEART CustomerGauge!

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The integration hasnt been as smooth but to be expected. I am sure it will get easier and we can get back on track with regular cadence meetings with our usual point of contact.

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Estoy satisfecha de estar conociendo esta plataforma y poder buscar formas de implementarla en el trabajo

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My organisation is getting more and more ready to listen to customers using a cross-functional VoC programme. There\'s still a lot of work to do to improve our VoC capability but the attitude internally is slowly shifting. And I am also becoming better at showing the programme value. I couldn\'t have done this without all CG teams support! I really value our partnership and I enjoy working with all of you. Thank you!

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I always advocate for CustomerGauge and the valuable data we collect in making important decisions based on client insights. My Account rep, Monte, is incredible and on top of everything. As of late, the new survey suite migration is exciting, but creating new surveys in the new suite is very confusing and creates a lot of frustration and time needed to migrate over. Laura has been initiating the changes with me through this process, but I feel there isn\'t enough time to get to it with my internal workload. I also understand the importance of a \"new way\" of doing things, but it has become very time-consuming. I am finding it tough to find time to manage the migration during a very busy time at work.

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