Legacy ER & Urgent Care Reviews

Health Care

(29178 public reviews)
Rating of  9.4  from 0 - 10

The Facility is clean, the staff is professional and I was seen by the physician within a reasonable time.

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Excellent care

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only thanks to you

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Took SO LONG to finalize my visit. Plus the doctor forgot to give me feedback about my EKG…and didn’t give me a copy to give to me cardiologist (her recommendation). I had to call the next day to specifically ask about the results of the EKG. It would’ve been great to get feedback for each medical check done e.g. lab results, picture of the x-ray with an explanation (I wasn’t shown the x-ray images nor was I given the images as data to share with my cardiologist) and then missed feedback on my EKG…had to call the next day. And this took ~3 hours.

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I was extremely impressed with the care and professionalism of Legacy ER. Everyone was fantastic. Will be utilizing them in the future.

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Was a waste of time. The doctor who “assessed me” couldn’t have made it more clear he didn’t care to hear what I had to say. It was under my impression that a licensed board provider is supposed to spend a little more than a few minutes on my HPI and PMH before they work a diagnosis. I simply did not go to Legacy UC just to get some NSAIDs or corticosteroids. (Hence why I refused them) I just wanted answers to what is causing my pain. I won’t settle for a diagnoses of a lazy provider that couldn’t even properly asses with palpations. No ROM, no neurological examination, poor inspection…. How on earth was he able to pass step 2s in his USMLEs?!! Do better. Now I wasted a co-pay and will refuse to pay anything else. Can’t wait to see what the doctor’s chart says about my visit and how the medical codes are going to align with that poor excuse of an assessment.

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