Use valuable customer feedback to build trust with future customers

Ready to build trust by being transparent about your customer experience?

Why CustomerGauge Reviews

CustomerGauge Reviews helps you to build trust with potential customers. By being transparent about your customer experience, future customers know what they can expect from your business. This helps you not only to keep delivering best-in-class customer experience, it also boosts sales as trust is key in decision making and building long-term relationships with your customers.

Get your company rating appear in Google Search

By using CustomerGauge Reviews we make sure that your company’s reviews and star rating will appear in Google’s organic search results. Showing off your company’s reviews and rating in search not only builds trust, it also helps your future customers with their buying decision making.

What is the difference between CustomerGauge Reviews and other review sites?

We are the only review site that can guarantee that all reviews are written by real customers. Also, another big difference between CustomerGauge Reviews and other review sites, is that we base our ratings on how willing people are to recommend your company instead of on plain satisfaction reviews. For consumers, real recommendations are more relevant than plain satisfaction reviews, helping them to gain more trust in your company than they would on other review sites.

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Get the most out of CustomerGauge

CustomerGauge Reviews is part of the CustomerGauge ecosystem. With CustomerGauge you get valuable insights in customer experience by collecting and analyzing customer feedback using the Net Promoter® System. This makes CustomerGauge Reviews the only review system featuring Net Promoter Score, and the only one based on real customer data.

Use CustomerGauge not only to collect and analyze feedback, but also to put results into action. Send for example targeted campaigns to promoters, passives and detractors, and use digital signage to advocate the importance of customer experince within your company.

Learn more about CustomerGauge

We already work with companies like yours:

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With CustomerGauge Reviews, you extend the powerful tooling of CustomerGauge for reporting on customer experience with an add-on that helps you built trust with future customers.

1. Get insights in customer feedback

2. Advocate the importance of
customer experience

3. Build trust with future customers

We look forward to show you how to get insights in your customer experience and how to use valuable customer feedback to build trust with future customers. Get in touch with our customer experience expert today!

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